Saturday, April 18


We had a very nice Easter. Saturday our neighborhood had an egg hunt. Kate had fun picking up eggs and throwing them back on the ground, but we managed to get 3 eggs in her basket. Then we threw her in a bounce house and determined she is too young for bounce houses when she crawled to the back and wouldn't budge so Jason had to go in after her.

Sunday I put Kate in her new dress and we went to church. After, we had an egg hunt of our own. Silly mom, putting jelly beans in some of the eggs. Kate figured out how to get the eggs open and proceeded to pour all the jelly beans in her mouth. Her cute Easter dress is now covered in jelly bean juice and the label says "dry clean only". What was I thinking?! Along with lots of candy, Jason received Guitar Hero Metallica (with the caveat that he only play it with headphones on when I am in the house) and I got a Cuisinart ice cream machine. Yeah! George got the jelly beans that somehow didn't make it into Kate's mouth.

Sunday, April 12

Visitors from the Big Apple

My good friend Addy was flying from New York to Utah and had a lay over in Houston. She decided to make it an extra long lay over so we could hang out a little. We had lots of fun! I picked Addy and Conor up from the airport late Tuesday night and after a waffle breakfast Wednesday morning, we took the kids to the Children's Museum. We wore them out pretty good there so when we got home the kids had naps and we watched Persuasion. Then we visited with the Burrs who were in Addy's ward in New York before they moved to Houston. After dinner, I took Addy and Conor back to the airport. A short trip, but it was so good to see Addy again and spend some time with Conor. He is so cute and such a good baby! Thanks for coming guys, and you are welcome back anytime!

Fondant Fun

I have been wanting to experiment with fondant for awhile now. I got a kit from Williams Sonoma that had fondant and some cute cut outs and last Sunday I tried them out. The results are pretty cute, but unfortunately the fondant tastes awful! Now begins my quest for some good tasting fondant!