Sunday, August 10

Goodbye 20's, it's been nice

It's official. I am 30 years old as of Friday. I really don't mind because I think I am in a pretty good place in my life. I have a good job skill that lets me work when (and if) I want, a great marriage, a child, and a house. I mean, yes, I would prefer to be living in Utah, but maybe that will happen by the time I am 40. So turning 30 wasn't too hard. Anyway, on Friday we had some neighbors over to eat cake and watch the Olympic opening ceremonies (hence the sports themed cake). But the real day of celebration for me was Saturday. The Aveda company (they make hair and skin products) has a school here in Houston so if you don't mind having a student work on you, you can get facials, mani/pedi's, massages, etc for really cheap. So I had myself a spa day and got a massage, facial, and highlights all for under $100! It was so fun and relaxing. Thanks to Jason for staying home with Kate all day while I was gone! For those of you living outside Houston, if you ever decide to take trip here (and why on earth wouldn't you), we will definitely have to go to the Aveda school. And for those of you who DO live here; is anyone up for a girl's day out? Call me!

Sunday, August 3

Breaking Dawn

I have read the Twilight books and enjoyed them, but I am by no means an obsessive fan. So how did I find myself at Barnes and Noble at midnight surrounded by a bunch of high schoolers (and one guy dressed up as a vampire, see picture) buying the latest book in the series? I am still asking myself that same question.