Friday, December 7

I've got the writer's strike blues

So far the writer's strike hasn't affected my TV viewing (except for a couple of episodes of the Office that didn't get made because Steve Carell refuses to cross the picket lines). I think all that is about to change. I am pretty sure this was the last week for new episodes of everything. I noticed at the end of 30 Rock and Grey's Anatomy that there wasn't the usual preview for next week's show. Bummer. Luckily America's Next Top Model and Project Runway are immune to the strike. I will have to bide my time until the strike is over with reruns and reality TV. Oh, and I guess I could pick up a book too.

Thursday, December 6

Burning down the house

Yikes! Yesterday was Jason's birthday, so to celebrate I decided to make him dinner. While I was cooking, I used a dishtowel I had hanging on the oven door to grab the handle on the pan. I turned away for a second and when I turned back I saw that a corner of the towel was under the pan and touching the burner. I grabbed the towel, but it was too late and it was on fire! I ran it over to the sink and ran water on it. No harm done, but it sure scared me!

Monday, December 3

Outlet Heaven

This past weekend we went to the wedding of a coworker of Jason's in Austin. Kate did great on the drive down, before the wedding and during the ceremony. After that, we could not get her to stop crying. And I am talking screaming bloody murder crying! People would come up to us and say "Oh what a cute baby" but you know they were thinking "I am so glad that's not my child". Oh well. She slept well that night in the hotel which is what I was worried about. She was so funny; before she can fall asleep, she has to have the top of her head touching something. I think it makes her feel more secure, like she's not floating in midair or something. Anyway, I put the cushions off the couch in the hotel room on the floor next to my bed. At the head of the makeshift bed was the night stand with an opening in it to put books and stuff. I put Kate down and left her for a few minutes. When I checked on her, she had scooted her way up, trying to find something for her head to touch. She was almost off the cushions and into the night stand! It was so funny. The day after the wedding on our way back to Houston, we stopped at some awesome outlets in San Marcos. I wasn't expecting anything spectacular, but these outlets were amazing! There were some I never even knew existed, like a Pottery Barn/Williams Sonoma store, Aldo, Kate Spade, Gucci, Giorgio Armani, and I could go on and on. I can't wait to go back! But the bank account would probably say differently; it's such a kill joy.