Tuesday, September 7

Childrens Museum

We had a free morning last week and since it is still too hot to be outside for more than 5 minutes, we went to the childrens museum. They have so many fun things to do, but I think this time Kate's favorite was the diner where you can pretend to take orders, make the food, and serve it. Kate and I took turns taking each others orders and preparing the food for each other. It is really fun to see her starting to use her imagination more and more.


Kate had her first day of preschool last week. Six of us in the ward decided to do a home preschool and take turns teaching. We do it once a week for a couple of hours. Kate was so excited to start school and loved filling up her backpack with crayons, glue, and scissors. And she must have had a blast the first day because when I picked her up she said "Can I do preschool again?". She looks nervous in the second picture but honestly she was very excited.

Thursday, July 8

Wheeler Farm

We went to Wheeler Farm with grandpa Richardson while we were in Utah. It was a gorgeous day! Wheeler Farm was fun despite the geese that refused to let me off the porch of the farm house! Jason had to rescue me and got a bite for his troubles.

Bubbles with Grandma

Kate LOVES bubbles and had a lot of fun with an awesome big bubble wand that grandma Bev bought. Gotta love those nice Utah evenings! I sure miss them!

Tracy Aviary

We were busy in Utah! We also made it to Tracy Aviary with grandma Richardson. We got to see lots of cute baby ducks and a beautiful peacock roaming around. Thanks for the fun day grandma!

Amanda's Wedding

We went to Utah in June to attend Jason's little sister's wedding. Amanda looked beautiful and it was really neat to be able to see them be sealed in the temple. Congrats Amanda and Ted!

Child labor

Does it count if the "help" makes a bigger mess than there already was?

Monday, April 19

Houston Rodeo

Every year Houston puts on a huge month long rodeo. We have gone every year and it's always lots of fun. This year we went with our good friends the Tracy's who have a little girl Kate's age. We had so much fun petting goats, eating fried alligator, seeing prize winning livestock, eating yummy burritos, gathering (fake) eggs from (fake) chickens and eating fried snickers bars. Do you sense a theme? The Houston Rodeo is definitely a highlight of living in Texas! It kind of cracks me up how seriously people take it. The first day it opens is called "Go Texan" day and people take work off and dress all cowboyish. I didn't know what "Go Texan" day was and thought maybe it had something to do with Texas history, you know, like Pioneer day in Utah. When I asked someone what significance it had they looked at me like I was stupid and said "It's the first day of the rodeo". Of course! How could I be so silly? Go Texan!


Pictures from Easter. We went on an Easter egg hunt Saturday, found baskets Sunday (with a small meltdown from Kate when we found Jason's basket first and would not let her eat the candy in it) and got a sandbox thanks to great-grandma Richardson.

April Fool's

I'm not usually into tricking people on April Fool's day, but this year my Food Network magazine had some cute ideas for desserts that looked like "real" food so I decided to trick Jason. It would have worked too if I could have kept the silly grin off my face when he went to take his first bite! I think this looks a lot like lasagna, don't you? It's actually vanilla pudding, pound cake, raspberry jam with crushed oreos, and shaved white chocolate on top.

Saturday, February 13

Kate Talk

Just some funny things Kate has been saying lately that I don't want to forget:

Bye, see ya, have a nice day!

There, much better or there, much worse (used interchangeably)

Cars eat grass

Yeah, he's a dog (she says this when I tell her our dog doesn't need shoes)

Will you play soccer with me? (this basically involves me kicking a ball in her general direction and her running after it)

Whatcha doin' here?

Ta da! (she said this after extracting a booger from her nose)

Thursday, January 28


Need I say more?

Sunday, January 17

Christmas (better late than never)

We had such a fun Christmas this year! Jason and I had thought about staying in Houston this year because we have to buy Kate an airplane ticket now and we didn't really feel like spending the money. But I was really sad at the thought of not seeing my family. Luckily, some of them came to see me! My dad came in a couple nights before Christmas and my sisters came in a couple days after. It was really fun to have my dad here on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. On Christmas Eve we went to the Downtown Aquarium. I haven't been to it before and it was fun despite not being much of an aquarium (the actual fish viewing was pretty minimal). But they had a train, a merry-go-round and a ferris wheel so it was definitely worth the trip. That night I had it in my head that I wanted to walk around the block and look at all the lights and then go home and sit in front of the fire and have hot chocolate. Well, it actually got pretty cold and with the humidity and the wind it made for a somewhat miserable walk. Oh well, it made the fire and hot chocolate extra nice! Then I attempted to teach Kate about the true reason we celebrate Christmas by reading her a very toddler friendly version of the birth of Jesus. I don't know how much she grasped; maybe next year! Christmas morning was spent opening presents and eating cinnamon rolls and scrambled eggs topped with truffle salt, which was pungent to say the least (the truffle salt currently resides in Portland with Janelle who has a greater appreciation for it).
The next day we fed the ducks and rode the train at Hermann Park and visited the Children's museum. My sisters came in the next day so we had a big Christmas dinner and opened more presents that night. On Monday my dad gave a lecture on occular ultrasound (he is an opthamologist and specializes in ultrasound of the eye) at the hospital where I work part time. We rarely do eye ultrasounds but I still thought it would be fun to learn. My dad left that night, so the next day I dropped Kate at the sitters and my sisters and I did what we do best: went shopping! Houston has a ridiculous mall called the Galleria that has every store you can think of. We spent about 7 hours there and the time flew!
The rest of their trip was spent making and eating food (we made pumpkin soup, butternut squash risotto, sweet potato gnocchi, grasshopper tarts and yummy bread maker rolls just to name a few things) and getting them hooked on Vampire Diaries (sorry Alicia!) and Gossip Girls (sorry Janelle!). On New Year's Eve we stayed in and had fondue and played Clue. I let Kate stay up until about 10 and she loved every minute of it. We toasted in the New Year with sparkling cider. We also took lots of walks to the park, and had one unfortunate walk minus Kate where we got drenched in the rain about 2 miles from the house and almost froze to death trying to get home. One night just my sisters and I went to a really nice French restaurant nearby called Chez Nous. It is a really cute little place that used to be a church and where the servers wear tuxedos. The goat cheese was wonderful and so were the desserts of course! Another night we dropped Kate at the sitters and went and saw Sherlock Holmes. I LOVED it! I would see it again in a second!
I had SO much fun with my family here and I was in such a bad mood the whole rest of the week after they left but I think I have adjusted to normal life again. Love you guys!! Thanks so much for coming!