Every year Houston puts on a huge month long rodeo. We have gone every year and it's always lots of fun. This year we went with our good friends the Tracy's who have a little girl Kate's age. We had so much fun petting goats, eating fried alligator, seeing prize winning livestock, eating yummy burritos, gathering (fake) eggs from (fake) chickens and eating fried snickers bars. Do you sense a theme? The Houston Rodeo is definitely a highlight of living in Texas! It kind of cracks me up how seriously people take it. The first day it opens is called "Go Texan" day and people take work off and dress all cowboyish. I didn't know what "Go Texan" day was and thought maybe it had something to do with Texas history, you know, like Pioneer day in Utah. When I asked someone what significance it had they looked at me like I was stupid and said "It's the first day of the rodeo". Of course! How could I be so silly? Go Texan!
So Fun! Love the picture of you with Kate!!! She is getting so big and just as beautiful as ever.. just like her mommy!
Fun to see an update. Mike says to say hi to Jason as well. Next time you guys get into town we need to really get together so the guys can see each other :)
Yeah! We will be in Utah in June because Jason's little sister is getting married (can you believe that?!). I will definitely be in touch!
Kate is so cute...and those chickens and eggs look real. That 'holiday' was called "Go Western Day" in my youth living in Texas. Everyone went to school dressed as cowboys/cowgirls. I had forgotton about that until I read your blog. It looks like Kate's hair is getting darker. I love her haircut but especially the sparkle in her eyes.
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