We have finally had someone working on the house and to my disbelief, they think they may be finished by the end of the week! The roof is done and the drywall and plaster are up. All that's left is paint and carpet. Yea! I had lost confidence that everything would be complete by Halloween, but that is starting to become a reality. So a month and a half and $9,000 later we are back to normal!
This week it rained so much in one day that the streets in our neighborhood flooded. I watched the water praying it wouldn't reach the house because wouldn't that just be the icing on the cake! Luckily it never got higher than the sidewalk, but you can sort of tell from the picture how high the water got by looking at the tires on the jeep. The crazy thing is that I called Jason to tell him not to bother coming home from work because our Jetta never would have made it and he had no idea how bad it was!