We went to a rally for Obama here in Houston last week. I went not really having made up my mind who I was going to vote for, but I gotta say, I think I am sold on him. There was such a feeling of excitement in the air you couldn't help feeling it also! Some of my favorite issues that he addressed:
1. Bringing the troops home in 2009. I think I would feel this way even if my brother wasn't in the Army (he is actually in Afganistan so it wouldn't affect him anyway). I was in favor of the war when it first started but I don't know why we are there anymore.
2. Health care for everyone. Obama wants everyone to have health insurance. Those that can't afford insurance will get free health care; those that already have insurance will get $2500.
3. Education. Teachers will be rewarded for excellence and he wants more than one achievement test so teachers won't just be teaching the material to pass the test. Also, he wants college students to be able to earn $4000 towards tuition by doing community service.
4. Government. Basically Obama thinks the government should be there to help people lead better lives; sort of a "help me help you" attitude. He thinks lobbyists have too much power in Washington and wants to take that power away.
Anyway, I'm glad I went to the rally because if anything, it got me excited for the election. Rock the Vote!