Mia was born on September 22 at 11:11 am. My sister Janelle was able to be there for the birth and it was such a neat experience to have her there. At my 37 week checkup Mia was breech, so my OB said he would try to turn her at 39 weeks. I told Janelle she might need to come down earlier so she could be there for the delivery and she changed her flight. Then of course, Mia turned! But my dr. said he was willing to do an induction after 39 weeks so my sister could be there. The induction was set for the 22nd at 5:30 am. Around 2:30 am I started having contractions, which I was very happy about because I was feeling a little guilty about inducing without a valid medical reason. Jason and I got to the hospital at 5:30, my doctor broke my water around 8 am, and at 11:11 Mia was here!
Baby #2 has been a very different experience for me. I was excited and happy when Kate was born, but also terrified and nervous. And either Kate picked up on my nervousness, or she was a fussy baby, because she wasn't the easiest baby. From day 1, I have felt much calmer with Mia. I have been able to really enjoy having a newborn. And she is a sweetheart! She is pretty mellow for the most part, she tends to get fussy in the evening and wants to be held, but besides that she seems very content. It is very sweet to see Kate with Mia. She does get jealous, but she loves to hold Mia and give her hugs and kisses. We are so happy she is part of our family!
Yay! Congratulations and I love the name! I think babies have their own personalities and it is so nice to have a chill one. Enjoy!
Aww, they are so cute.
How sweet! :) I love baby pictures!
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