Thursday, March 6

Book Tag

My friend Jennie book tagged me. So, the rules are:
1- pick up the nearest book (with at least 123 pages)
2- turn to page 123.
3- find the 5th sentence.
4- post the next 3 sentences.
5- tag 5 more people.

Well, we are moving on Saturday so all my books are packed up. The closest thing I could find is a GQ magazine and there was an ad on page 123. I reversed the page numbers (went to page 321) and there just happened to be an article on Mitt Romney on that page. The 5th sentence and 3 after read:

"The morning before the January 15 primary, Romney stood in a high school gymnasium before 2,000 students and gave a meandering, embarrassingly unfunny performance that the traveling media generally agreed was his worst of the campaign. But when I asked a few of the students afterward what they thought, they were impressed.
'What did you hear that you liked?'
'The part where he said he was going to help Michigan,' chirped a sophmore with glasses".

There you have it. I will tag Bev, Janelle (since I know you found out my blogging secret), Alicia, Kasey, Alisa, and Emily (even if you don't have a blog you can email me your tag, and yes, I can count. I know I tagged 6 people).


Bev and Roger said...

Hooray for the Richardson blog! The Obama rally looked cool.

I'm not sure how to book tag. But I've followed your instructions.

"The looseness of the arm makes the sound full and relaxed as well. Because springing gives you power, it helps in shaping phrases. In a simple two-note phrase, for examples, you can easily create a decrescendo by springing on the first note and simple pressing the second key with your finger." Boy that sounds boring! The book is "The Art of Practicing-A guide To Making Music From the Heart".

Lors said...

I need pictures of the house!!!!!