Wednesday, December 17

Mud is Fun

I broke down today and let Kate get her hands dirty. Literally. Her favorite thing to do when we go outside is to splash around in the water and mud in the gutter. I usually won't let her, but today I just let her have at it. Of course, the fun was followed by a bath!


Stephers said...

OH MY GOODNESS SHE IS DARLING! How fun. I am the same way, I hate to let them get dirty... I just need to lighten up I guess. Good for you!

Bev and Roger said...

At least she can go outside here in Salt Lake and play in the clean white snow. (We have plenty of it and more coming). She is getting so big. I can't believe she is walkin' and talkin'....can't wait to see her. They'll be lots of aunts and uncles, grandmas and grandpas to spoil this darling cherub.

Hollie Wood said...

Oh she is absolutely ADORABLE!!!