Monday, April 19

April Fool's

I'm not usually into tricking people on April Fool's day, but this year my Food Network magazine had some cute ideas for desserts that looked like "real" food so I decided to trick Jason. It would have worked too if I could have kept the silly grin off my face when he went to take his first bite! I think this looks a lot like lasagna, don't you? It's actually vanilla pudding, pound cake, raspberry jam with crushed oreos, and shaved white chocolate on top.


Stephers said...

It does look like lasagna! Good one. I tried to come up with something for Mike.. but it never came to me!

Alisa Frei said...

What a great idea!!! I'm going to try it next year!

Bev and Roger said...

That's a great one, Nicole. When I first looked at the picture I thought, "Oh, Nicole is gourmet cooking again...Jason is so lucky".