Tuesday, July 15

Memory Lane Tag

You're It!

Memory Lane.... the tag that gets everyone involved
Got this from a friend and I thought I would play the game.
Here's how you play
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and i had together. it doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember.
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory of you. it's actually pretty funny to the responses. if you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.


John-David and Kathryn said...

Nicole I remember visiting you at that place you use to work at on 9th. We would get corn bread. I also remember hanging out at your house and condo all the time. Remember when you came and visited in Cedar City and the boat broke down in the middle of the lake. Fun times

jennie said...

Okay, I'm copying you...
I remember the times we would go down to your room and dance. Ahh, "Wink and a Smile"...still one of my favorites! Remember the time we were chased by crazies in my car with Todd Jensen in the back & I jumped the curb and took off? I was so scared! But, yes. We were awesome!

Stephers said...

I remember when we all came to your house to toilet paper you and we were caught by the cops. You came out and we had to explain to you what we were doing and then we spent the rest of the night looking for Bart who had escaped over your wall!
I also remember when Mike, Jason, You and me all went on I think one of your first dates and we took a dictionary and randomly picked a word and then drove around to act it out. I also remember when we were up at your Condo and Jason over heard Mike say I love you to me for the first time. Ok, the last one was a memory of Jason, but you were just in the next room :)
I could go on and on, but you get the idea!

Stephers said...

ok, I thought of another one. Do you remember when all of the guys were hanging out at Dan's house watching Strange Brew and we all got together and spied on them in the backyard. We were literally right behind them, only a window stood in our way and we couldn't stop laughing! Then THEY CAUGHT US and chased us down the street. Good times. We were so silly!

Lors said...

I remember playing on the sports court, going up to the condo and to Granny's Food place. Murder in the Dark was fun, coarse you were not there, it was just at your house. I remember the guys always seemed to be carring you somewhere and you just laughing! and you are always the best listening ear!

Angela said...

I totally remember training for the half marathon. I so admired your self assurance, to set your goal, not worry about everyone else was doing, and work towards it. You did awesome!

I also remember seeing you on our street walking your dog and being amazed that you had a dog, my kids wanted (and still do) one so bad!