Monday, July 14

A perspective on work

I have been working at a hospital near our new house (I'm an ultrasound tech for those that don't know) while one of their regular techs is on maternity leave. I have to say...working is so much easier than being a stay-at-home mom! It is really hard to leave Kate, but once I get to work, I have clear objectives and an immediate reward (in the form of a paycheck). At home, I have a child that can't tell me what she wants, a house that never seems to stay clean, and no paycheck! I can totally understand why some moms would choose to go back to work and respect even more the moms that decide to stay home. I remember my mom being there to greet us when we got home from school, and it meant so much to have her there. But I can see now why she went back to school as soon as Paul was in elementry! Anyway, my hat goes off to all you stay-at-home moms, the most difficult job on the planet!


jennie said...

My hat goes off to you for working! It would be awesome to have a steady paycheck instead of little side jobs here and there! But, 4 kids in daycare (getting them ready in the mornings alone!!!) would be ridiculous. I worked even when we had 2 kids, but after that it got too expensive. I'm glad you're doing what you enjoy - that's all that matters!

Stephers said...

I didn't know you were still working. Awesome! Some days I think about it, but then I just can't bring myself to actually making any attempts! I do enjoy time with my boys, but I can understand why women do it! Glad you are able to use what you graduated in, wish I could somehow justify all of the years in school. He he he

Bev and Roger said...

You said it so well, Nicole. Being a mom IS the hardest job in the world for all those reasons you mentioned. I actually don't know how your mother did it with FIVE children...and all of you guys turned out great. You are fortunate to have the skills to work in a meaningful, satisfying profession.