Monday, September 29

8 Years!

8 years of marriage

7 cars (all used)

6 computers

5 years in college (while married)

4 apartments

3 bar exams (Texas, Illinois, Florida)

2 hurricanes

1 everlasting love

Love you babe! Here's to another 8 great years.


Stephers said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Isn't it crazy that we have all been married for (8) years??? Time really does fly! Hope you get to do something fun. Wish we lived close so we could watch Kate for ya!

Catherine Noorda said...

2 hurricanes in your marriage may be a record. for example, take me and jamo who have shared no hurricnes.

congrats to you guys!

John-David and Kathryn said...

What a cute post. Happy Anniversary.

Bev and Roger said...

Congrats on 8 years. That post deserves an award....very cleaver! It's amazing how many things can happen in 8 many milestones.