Saturday, September 6

Male mentality

I had to share this with everyone. I opened the fridge the other day to find this. I asked Jason why he had put a fork in the fridge and he said it was because he was using it to eat his potato salad and wanted to save some for later and thought he could just use the same fork. I told him that was not normal and he said "What, am I so fancy I have to use a clean fork every time I eat something?". After he realized how that sounded we laughed pretty hard.


Stephers said...

Freakin Hilarious! Love you guys.

Catherine Noorda said...

that cracks me up because it's so jameson. i love our hubbies :) tell jason hi for me. it's been a darn long time since i've seen you guys!

Kasey said...

That is definitely something Matt would do. Hilarious!

Bev and Roger said...

Definitely from Mars!!!!!!!