I'll explain the costumes. Kate is the beanstalk, Jason is the giant and I am the giant's wife. Kate carried around a little doll who was Jack. Creative, no? About a week ago our neighborhood had a fall festival with a petting zoo, a train, pony rides, games and food. It was a lot of fun and will be even more fun next year when Kate is a little older. But the highlight was the costume contest because we won second prize in the family costume category! That night was the ward party which was also fun, but again, I think Kate will have more fun next year.
On Halloween my friend down the street put together a little baby/toddler walk around the neighborhood and we went back to her house after for cider and yummy cookies that her and I had made the day before. After that Jason came home from work and walked Kate around to a few houses for trick-or-treating. Then we went to a ward members house for a party and more treats. Last, we had some friends over for pizza and a scary movie (I am Legend). Whew! A fun but exhausting Halloween!
I love the costumes! Very original. You guys look great. Sounds like you had a fun, busy day! Kate's getting so big!
You look so darling. You guys are AWESOME to have dressed up. Mike and I really need to have more fun :) Kate looks darling and how exciting that she is now walking! Look out, she is in a whole new development stage and they LOVE to be independent!
what a cute idea for costumes. i love it! i haven't seen you forever nicole. crazy. congrats on kate walking.
Love the family pic... it totally all works together. Great job on the originality, guys!
Totally original, I love it! You had quite the busy Halloween, but it's always the best that way! Kate is adorable!
You are so creative! I love, love, love your costumes!
As soon as I read the title I totally knew what you were! Very, very cute! Jason looks great with that beard, I love your blouse and head scarf, and Kate is adorable!
Really cute and very creative.
Cute ideas! I love creative costumes! I can't believe Kate can walk! What fun!
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