Wednesday, November 12


My friend Ashley tagged me awhile ago (Sorry Ashley!). So here are 5 weird/interesting things about me:

1. I hate anticipating loud noises. One of my worst fears is little kids with balloons because they don't know that they can pop the balloon if they squeeze it too hard and I just watch them playing with the balloon cringing the whole time. I also can't open those cans of dough for rolls because of the pop when the pressure is released. Jason always has to open them for me.

2. The time on my alarm clock is always set 20 minutes ahead of time. I know I could just hit the snooze button, but I think there is something about waking up and seeing that the time doesn't look as early as it actually is. And 10 minutes doesn't cut it, it has to be 20.

3. I love to read, but I don't like non-fiction very much because I always feel like after I am done with the book I should have learned something; as if there is going to be a quiz on the material or something.

4. I couldn't take showers until I was about 9 years old. I had no real reason to be scared of them, but whenever my mom had put me in the shower before, I would just stand there and scream, so I think she gave up after awhile. My older sister asked once if I had seen Psycho and my mom told her to shut her mouth before she told me about the shower scene. I think that night was my first shower!

5. I hate things touching my neck. I refused to wear turtlenecks when I was younger and I will wear them now but spend the whole day stretching the neck of the shirt out so it isn't so close to my neck.

So there you go Ash, I hope I haven't freaked you out or anything! I tag Angela Repasi. Let's hear all your absurdities so I don't feel so weird!


Angela said...

I am with you on the turtleneck thing! I will have to think about this one before I make my post!

Stephers said...

A few of those I knew about you, but the rest are TOTALLY WEIRD! Just kidding, I love ya :)How is the house coming along, all fixed?

Janelle said...

Ha! I hate anticipating the noise the toaster makes! I try really hard to ignore it otherwise it always makes me jump.

Becca said...

I love reading quirky things about others 'cause it makes me feel like I'm not the only weird one out there! Love it!

Asherbie said...

I love the shower thing.. kids are particular about the funniest things sometimes. Like my child eats bark but not corn...what's that about?

Addy said...

Very interesting. You are SO right about non-fiction. We are supposed to be reading 1776 for my bookclub, but I can't get past the first chapter so I was thinking of going to Wikipedia and reading a summary. So now it's like I am cheating on a quiz.