Sunday, January 20

I've been tagged!

My friend Lori tagged me and now I have to come up with 7 interesting/weird things about myself. Here goes:

I was born in California and had blond hair when I was little.

I was a total kleptomaniac when I was young. I stole gum from grocery stores, erasers from department stores, Halloween candy from my siblings Halloween bags, and toys from my friends.

When I was first learning to drive, I was practicing driving a stick shift in my sister's car. I was driving up the driveway and totally nailed her friend's car. I never said anything but apparently I left a dent.

I got held up when I was a hostess at Frontier Pies. A man walked in with a Ronald Reagen mask on and he looked so dumb I thought it was the guy I was dating. He told me to give him the money in the cash register and I laughed at him. Then he lifted up his shirt to show me the gun he had and told me he was serious. I laughed again and he turned around and left. That's when I figured out he wasn't joking.

The same guy I was dating that I thought was holding me up told me he loved me while I was putting on my shoes. I looked up and said "thanks". I was 16 for crying out loud!

I can't fall asleep without earplugs. I started wearing them because our dog scratches himself and his tags jingle really loudly and now I can't stop using them. And yes, I realize now that I should have just taken his collar off at night.

I didn't start taking showers until I was 9 years old. My mom had tried before to get me to use the shower instead of always taking baths but for some reason I was always scared. My sister asked me if it was because I had seen the shower scene in Psycho and my mom told her to shut up.

Okay, there's my 7 things!


Stephers said...

Hello my friend! I am so glad so see that you have a blog we can respond to-HURRAY!!! I am sorry we didn't get to see you and Kate while you were here. Poor Drew is still sick and has had so many ear infections :( Anyway, I am glad that you were able to see some of the friends while you were here. I am not sure if you know that I have a blog as well. It is Anyway, I will talk to you later :)

Lors said...

Great job on your new blog, you have been a busy girl, it looks great! Sounds like things are going well for you guys. Any whooo, thanks for doing the tag, I know some people hate them, I think they are kinda fun.